Banco Central de la República Argentina (BCRA)’ official web site. It provides
access to all the Bank’s regulations regarding Foreign Trade.
Ministerio de Economía y Finanzas Públicas (MECHON)’ official web site. On the
Infoleg link, there may be free access to the regulations of different
organizations that were published on the Official State Bulletin.
Administración Federal de Ingresos Brutos (AFIP)’ official web site. There may
be found regulations in force of the ‘Dirección General Impositiva (DGI)’ and
the ‘Dirección General de Aduanas (DGA)’ as well as information regarding
imports and exports. On the Customs Users link, there may be access either to
documents, reports or even find products bar codes.
Information regarding means of transport.
Foreign Trade Information System of the American State Organization (OAS).
Full texts of trade agreements in force for the OAS Member States may be
found on this site as well as interesting links to relevant data from different
English version of the World Customs Organization (WCO) official web site.
World Trade Organization (WTO) official web site. It provides access to an
interesting library and includes free downloads of many official publications.
English version of the International Chamber of Commerce official web site.
Centro de Despachante de Aduanas (CDA)’ of the Argentine Republic web site.
It can be found relevant information about customs on a daily basis and also a
currency converter.
Trade opportunities may be found on this web site. It provides access to a
database of companies that trade goods by means of catalogues.
Asociación Latinoamericana de Integración’ official web site. It provides access
to each Member State’s profile, and to information about institutional
regulations, agreements, laws regarding the certification and origin of goods,
tariffs, foreign trade regulations and statistics as well.
Online database which provides information on Foreign Trade, freight
forwarders and maritime agencies, air and sea terminals, customs brokers,
insurance companies, couriers, banks, etc. Furthermore, it provides free access
to SIM (Sistema Informático María) and to a debtor’s and bankruptcy database.
International Trade Glossary.
Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) official web site, where there may be
found randomized and relevant data as well as publications regarding Latin-
American international trade and development.
European Union official web site. It provides information in Spanish on
international trade.